Facebook Data Scandals Stoke Criticism That a Privacy Watchdog Too Rarely Bites

Last spring, soon after Facebook acknowledged that the data of tens of millions of its users had improperly been obtained by the political consulting firm Cambridge Analytica,
a top enforcement official at the Federal Trade Commission drafted a
memo about the prospect of disciplining the social network.
consumer advocates and even former commission officials were clamoring
for tough action against Facebook, arguing that it had violated an
earlier F.T.C. consent decree barring it from misleading users about how
their information was shared.
the enforcement official, James A. Kohm, took a different view. In a
previously undisclosed memo in March, Mr. Kohm — echoing Facebook’s own
argument — cautioned that Facebook was not responsible for the
consulting firm’s reported abuses. The social network seemed to have
taken reasonable steps to address the problem, he wrote, according to
someone who read the memo, and most likely had not broken its promises
to the F.T.C.
The Cambridge Analytica data leak set off a reckoning for Facebook
and a far-reaching debate about the tech industry, which has collected
more information about more people than almost any other in history. At
the same time, the F.T.C., which is investigating Facebook, is under
growing attack for what critics say is a systemic failure to police
Silicon Valley’s giants and their enormous appetite for personal data.
Almost alone among industrialized
nations, the United States has no basic consumer privacy law. The F.T.C.
serves as the country’s de facto privacy regulator, relying on more
limited rules against deceptive trade practices to investigate Google,
Twitter and other tech firms accused of misleading people about how
their information is used.
But many
in Washington view the agency as a watchdog that too rarely bites. In
more than 40 interviews, former and current F.T.C. officials, lawmakers,
Capitol Hill staff members, and consumer advocates said that as
evidence of abuses has piled up against tech companies, the F.T.C. has
been too cautious. Now, as the Trump administration and Congress debate
whether to expand the agency and its authority over privacy violations,
the Facebook inquiry looms as a referendum on the F.T.C.’s future.
“They have been asleep at the switch,”
said Senator Richard Blumenthal, the Connecticut Democrat and ranking
member of the subcommittee charged with overseeing the agency. “It’s a
lack of will even more than paucity of resources.”
Even if the agency does not penalize Facebook over the Cambridge incident — and some former F.T.C. officials disagree
with Mr. Kohm’s reasoning — the commission could punish the company for
other offenses. Former officials say they’ve been told that its inquiry
has expanded to include recent security and privacy breaches as well as
Facebook’s secretive data-sharing deals with Amazon, Netflix and other companies. Facebook declined to comment on the inquiry.
agency — overseen by five commissioners, three of them typically from
the president’s party — is habitually tight-lipped. Joseph J. Simons,
the chairman, declined to comment on the Kohm memo.
Mark Zuckerberg, the chief executive of Facebook, which has come under fire for its handling of users’ personal data.

the F.T.C. had reached a conclusion that there was no case, we would
have announced it,” Mr. Simons said in a statement. “Our investigation
continues and when it is finished, you can be sure that the result of
that investigation will be made public.”
agency’s defenders said it had taken significant action against tech
companies in recent years. Consumer advocacy groups, they said,
sometimes want the F.T.C. to take on cases that its relatively narrow
powers will not permit.
“The act creating the F.T.C. was not designed with privacy in mind,” said Jessica L. Rich, a consumer protection expert who formerly led
the F.T.C.’s consumer bureau. “That they’ve been able to bring hundreds
of privacy and data security cases is actually quite a feat, not only
given the limitations on their authority but the challenges companies
have mounted, especially recently.”
A Cautionary Tale
the federal government’s main consumer protection and antitrust
authority, the F.T.C. has pursued carmakers, drug companies, illegal
robo-callers and bloggers who fail to disclose corporate sponsors.
it is hampered by its relatively small size — about 1,100 employees,
roughly a quarter the staff of the Securities and Exchange Commission —
and broad mandate. Guarding consumer privacy online, just one part of
its mission, can raise complex technical issues. The agency’s
enforcement arm, led by Mr. Kohm, doesn’t have its own tech experts,
instead borrowing them from other agency units. The job of chief
technologist, an adviser to the F.T.C. chairman, has been vacant since
April. And its lawyers are outnumbered by the armies of attorneys
employed by tech giants.
“They have
considerably less staff than they had in the 1980s, and more
responsibility,” said Justin Brookman, a former F.T.C. official under
the Obama administration who now works at the Consumers Union.
F.T.C. officials said privacy and data security cases had gotten more attention than any others over the last decade.
all five commissioners agreed at the November Senate hearing that the
agency needed more money and greater regulatory authority to keep up
with big tech.
Critics said a greater
problem was cultural. The F.T.C. is haunted, for example, by a clash
with Congress in the 1980s over an attempt by the agency to ban
television ads for junk food directed at children, known as “KidVid.”
Lawmakers pulled funding and severely weakened the F.T.C.’s power to
issue new regulations.
Soltani, former chief technologist at the F.T.C., met resistance within
the agency when he raised concerns about the data practices of a
location-tracking firm.

today, “in just about every meeting I have at the F.T.C., staff mention
KidVid,” said Josh Golin, the executive director of Campaign for a
Commercial Free Childhood, which has filed complaints against YouTube
and Facebook.
Fears that Congress
could again cripple the F.T.C. have made some career lawyers reluctant
to take on politically sensitive cases, according to current and former
employees, speaking about their experiences during the Trump and Obama
“They think of
themselves as deal-makers, not cops,” said Matt Stoller, policy director
at the Open Markets Institute, who has called for big tech platforms to
be broken up and regulated. “They have an institutional culture of
That has hobbled the agency’s approach to tech giants, leading to inadequate responses to privacy violations or efforts to squeeze out emerging competitors,
according to Gene Kimmelman, a former senior antitrust official at the
Justice Department and president of the consumer group Public Knowledge.
The F.T.C. needs legislation to allow it to set new rules for the era
of big tech, he argued.
In 2013, for
example, F.T.C. commissioners overruled a staff recommendation to sue
Google for abusing its dominance in search to harm rivals. Three years
later, when Google began merging data collected by several of its services,
including Gmail and the ad technology platform DoubleClick, consumer
groups filed a complaint with the F.T.C. calling the practice “highly
deceptive.” The agency took no public action.
did the F.T.C. penalize Facebook after it began acquiring phone numbers
and other data from users of its WhatsApp subsidiary, breaking promises
it had made when it acquired the messaging service. By contrast, the
European Union’s antitrust chief fined Facebook $122 million last year
for making misleading statements about the WhatsApp acquisition.
social network said it had notified users of the change with new terms
of service and allowed them to opt out of aspects of how Facebook used
the data.)
The F.T.C. has defended
its record on privacy, pointing for instance to a $22.5 million fine
imposed on Google in 2012, for bypassing privacy settings in Apple’s
Safari browser in violation of a consent agreement. The fine was the largest civil penalty in the agency’s history.
officials say the agency struggles to enforce privacy within its
traditional definition of deceptive or abusive business practices.
K. Ohlhausen, former acting chairwoman of the F.T.C., said the agency
should focus on cases with the strongest evidence of harm to consumers —
a difficult standard to apply to tech giants.CreditSait Serkan Gurbuz/Reuters

Soltani, who was the F.T.C.’s chief technologist from 2014 to 2015,
said he raised concerns about a location-tracking company, Nomi
Technologies, that collected data on people without their explicit
consent. He recalled resistance from Republican commissioners and from
some staff members who didn’t see a clear consumer harm, since Nomi’s
data could not identify specific individuals.
Soltani argued that the F.T.C. needed to get ahead of a technology that
would soon become highly intrusive. (He eventually persuaded the agency
to investigate, and in 2015 the F.T.C. approved a settlement with Nomi.)
dozens of companies gather, use or sell location information so precise
that it can pinpoint a phone within a few yards. The data is so
detailed that it can often be linked to a specific person — and frequently harvested without clear consent.
Proving Harm
Trump’s arrival in Washington kicked off a period of uncertainty at the
F.T.C. For 16 months, three of five seats remained vacant on the
commission, which was initially led by an acting chairwoman, Maureen K.
Ohlhausen, an advocate of “regulatory humility.”
Ohlhausen’s staff told enforcement officials to slow down on cases, so
the White House would not view her as anti-business, according to a
former senior official. That official and others interviewed for this
article spoke on the condition of anonymity to describe conversations
that were private or involved nonpublic F.T.C. investigations.
In an interview, Ms. Ohlhausen denied ordering a slowdown and cited privacy actions she had brought against PayPal and Lenovo. But she acknowledged having argued against going after what she regarded as small cases, like Nomi.
limited resources, she said, the F.T.C. should “pursue cases where the
evidence of actual or likely consumer harms is strongest.”
that standard is difficult to apply against companies like Facebook and
Google, whose services are free, and where it is challenging to prove
that privacy lapses cause direct financial or emotional harm.
former staffers said Mr. Kohm, who has led the enforcement division for
more than a decade, had expressed skepticism about proving harm in
cases against tech companies.
recent months, F.T.C. employees meeting with Mr. Kohm asked how he
viewed news reports that big tech firms had tracked users’ locations
without clearly disclosing the practice. Mr. Kohm, whose division
prosecutes boiler rooms, advertising scams, and other financial fraud
schemes, responded that the tech companies were legitimate businesses
offering free services, and it was unclear how they had harmed
consumers, recalled one person in the meeting.
Kohm declined to comment for this article. Cathy MacFarlane, an F.T.C.
spokeswoman, denied in a statement that he placed a lower priority on
privacy cases, saying Mr. Kohm “has dedicated his career to enforcing
the orders the commission obtains, not setting his own agenda.”
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